USD 93.4409


EUR 99.5797


Brent 87.38


Natural gas 1.76



The bold and the richest...

The richest oil tycoons of 2001 according to Forbes. Eight Russian magnates are listed, three of them appeared to be richer then Rockerfeller.

The bold and the richest...

Marvin H. Davis is on the top of the list.The former exchange speculator has made money on oil recovery in the Rocky Mountains. There are eight - Russians from 33 oil-and-gas magnates in the list of 2001 . The Richest of them - Michael Hodorkovsky, the head of company "Yukos" which has saved up the own capital of 2,4 billion dollars. Among others appeared on the list there are Michael Fridman and Victor Chernomyrdin Vladimir Bogdanov, Rem Vjahirev, Roman Abramovich, Vagit Alekperov. Victorious procession of Russian petroleum business magnates is provided with completely not family tradition, as at brothers Lee and Sid Bass, for example. They have received profitable business in due time from successful (for them) State assets privatisation.